Suspension 100


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Testosterone Suspension is the strongest drug on the basis of testosterone, from those that exist today in the consumer market. But do not confuse the concept of strong and most effective. The special advantage of this steroid is only that it is like no one else that helps an athlete to move from a dead center and go further in achieving the set result.

Testosterone Suspension is very beneficial for experienced athletes who seek a significant increase in muscle relief in a short period of time.

Despite all the advantages Testosterone Suspension is not the anabolic steroid that can be recommended to everyone without exception. Very often, athletes refuse to take this medication because of unpleasant pain that accompanies injection injection. Also, this drug is one of the most frequently forged. Therefore, there are cases when people bought a substandard counterfeit product instead of a normal one. As for pain, as a rule, they depend on the individual pain threshold of each person. Many athletes during the testosterone Suspension do not experience any unpleasant sensations.


Dosage of Suspension Testosterone

For therapeutic purposes, a steroid is usually taken at a dosage of 25 to 50 milligrams per injection. As a rule, such an amount of active substance is introduced into the body 2 to 3 times a week. For sports purposes, Testosterone Suspension should be taken at a dosage of 50 to 100 milligrams at a time and done in a day. Some bodybuilders divide this sum into 2 equal doses, and injections are given every day, but experts do not see any fundamental benefit in this, because the half-life of the steroid is 24 hours. There are sportsmen who increase the dosage to 200 milligrams, but more often it does not make sense and most men will have enough dosage not exceeding 100 milligrams of the active substance. It should be noted that most often Testosterone Suspension is used only for a short period of time, and for long cycles, testosterone compounds are most often chosen that contain esters such as Cypionate or Enanthate.

Of course, you can use Testosterone Suspension for the entire cycle. However, it is most effective to include it in the course for 4 to 6 weeks. This is especially true for athletes who are stuck in one place and can not move from this dead center. When it comes to combining with other drugs, Testosterone Suspension is great for almost any complex cycle.

About the use of this steroid by women, there is very little information, since athletes rarely take Testosterone Suspension, for fear of manifestation of virilization. In medical practice, his turn is rarely used to treat certain forms of breast cancer.

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